Privacy Policy

*In checking the box above we agree that All information given is correct.

We agree to to Boom Arts Academy Terms and Conditions stated on the website policy page.

We agree to give 6 weeks notice for the student participating in any of Boom Arts Academy classes at Boom Arts Academy Ltd . Once a class is paid for we do not offer a refund under any circumstances. If a subscription is cancelled with NO term's notice, you will be invoiced to cover costs for the rest of the term.

No refund on classes will be given for business interruptions such as fires, lockdowns, Covid-19, flooding and any act of gods. However Boom Arts Academy Ltd will do their upmost to carry on classes with a change of venue or online.

Any Medical conditions or allergies must be disclosed with Boom Arts Academy team. Boom Arts Academy is in no way responsible for the safekeeping of the students personal belongings while attending class. All personal information is held in accordance with data protection act but may be shared among teachers due to safeguarding of children in their care. You understand that classes at Boom Art Academy may be physically strenuous and students voluntarily participate in them with full knowledge that there is risk of personal injury, property loss. Boom Arts academy will not be held liable for any injury. I agree that neither I, my heirs, assigns or legal representatives will sue or make any other claims of any kind whatsoever against or its members for any personal injury, property damage/loss, or wrongful death, whether caused by negligence or otherwise.

Online classes will be under the safety of the Parent/Guardian/Participant taking the virtual classes. You must have enough room to participate in the activity without there being any obvious risk of injury to themselves, to others, or risk of any damage to surrounding property

o   (ii) ensure that the flooring in the room is safe for the activity to be undertaken

o   (ii) ensure that where appropriate and especially in respect of activities for children, participants have a suitable parent/guardian present, or as a minimum, have their consent to participate at home.